Episode 5
Game Updates
Spike News: Ataca, gana y actualiza
Los drops se toman VALORANT: gana con Prime y viendo Game Changers.
Game Updates
What’s New in VALORANT Episode 5 Act III
We saved the best for the last Act of Episode 5.
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What’s New in VALORANT Episode 5 Act II
Join the Champions celebration in and out of the game.
Game Updates
YOUR MOMENT // Episode 5: Act II Kickoff - VALORANT
The second act of DIMENSION is here—ready to turn some heads? Clutch like a champ with new VCT Champions 2022 cosmetics, claim some new legendary Battlepass items, and prove yourself in a fresh Ranked Act.
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DIVE IN // Episode 5: Act I Kickoff - VALORANT
Dive into Pearl, VALORANT’s first Omega Earth map, alongside skins from the abyss, a brand new Battlepass, and a Ranked Act reset.
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What’s New in VALORANT Episode 5 Act I
Submerge yourself with all that comes at the start of Episode 5.