Our Modes producer is here to update you on where Modes is headed after Escalation.

Hi everyone, this is Lisa Ohanian, the Senior Producer running VALORANT’s Modes team. On behalf of the team, we hope you’re enjoying Replication (and the onslaught of turrets and smokes that come with it!).

As announced in an earlier post, Replication will only be live until May 25. What’s next?

After Replication comes down, we’re going to transition to a new approach for making modes available to you. Namely, we’ll begin rotating existing modes (specifically, Replication, Escalation and Snowball Fight) along with our patch cadence—so about every two weeks. This will officially begin about two weeks from Replication’s launch date, so May 26.

You might be wondering why we don’t just have all the game modes live at once. Great question! Simply put, having too many modes active at one time dilutes the queues for all of our modes... which in turn makes it take longer to find a match (or an appropriate one, at least) in any of them.

Rather than making all of our modes more frustrating, we’re choosing instead to offer a select number and ensure that you can find them quickly, and with solid matchmaking.

We’re planning to keep going like this for a few cycles, at which point we’ll reassess what to do longer-term (and how some of our other other cool things in the works are going). We have some ideas... but frankly we’d like to pay attention to how you feel about this approach first, and make sure that we factor that in. So please, let us know your thoughts!

Our approach to game modes is similar to our rotation plan - we’ll pay attention to what you think, so please let us know if you want anything special to come back or stick around. Stay tuned to the patch notes, where we’ll always let you know which game mode will be live for the next two weeks.

For now, please stay connected to our official VALORANT channels and look for updates on new game modes (and other cool modes-related news) soon.