End of Year: Premium Content Team

A thanks from the team responsible for all the cosmetics you see in the game.

Hey VALORANT community,

Thanks for sticking with us this past year. It’s been a long journey for the Premium Content team—we’ve released the 18 base weapons (that includes the melee), 26 skin lines (that’s over 130 gun skins!), three full battlepasses, and 13 character contracts! Yup, that also includes a whopping nine Guardian skins, though sadly it feels like a lot more.

We want to thank all of you for personalizing, customizing, and expressing who you are in VALORANT through the cosmetics we’ve made. Whether you’re using our skins in game (especially @EthanBenard who probably owns everything in the game), making skin websites (shoutout to @yezzanfps for his work on Splitskins.com), creating skins videos (too many to name here, but we’re big fans of @HitscanYT), datamining our files (shoutout to @ValorLeaks for fighting the good fight), tweeting at us, writing passionate (sometimes spicy) reddit and YouTube comments, taking our surveys, or just giving us feedback—THANK YOU FOR CARING!

We want you to know that we read everything we can and that we never think you’re being jerks or haters when you give us your hot takes. We know that behind every rant or negative comment, there’s a player who cares about what we do, and that’s more than we ever dreamed of during the time spent developing this game.

While we’re currently scrambling to make the next cool skin, know that reading your feedback gives us a chance to take a moment to reflect on what we’ve made and celebrate a little.

As a little surprise, the team decided to work a little overtime to create some special variants (flavors?) for the Winterwunderland and BlastX melees! We’ve mentioned before that we haven’t had the time to make melee variants, though it’s something we’d really like to try to do in the future when we have more artists on the Premium Content team.
On that note, we wanted to tease some stuff that’s coming in 2021. At least three of the things you’ll see below (and maybe some above?) hint at things to come!

Here’s to growing more as a team in 2021, making even cooler stuff, and maybe even exploring new types of cosmetics! See you on the other side of 2020!

Cheers and love all around,

—Sean Marino, Preeti Khanolkar, and the rest of the Premium Content team